Amazing Facts -
a Christian ministry dedicated to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and the three angels’ message of Revelation 14 to the entire world through television, radio, literature, live Bible and prophecy events, the internet, and evangelism training.
BibleGateway -
A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions
Clash of Minds -
“God’s purpose in giving the third angel’s message to the world is to prepare a people to stand true to Him during the investigative judgment. {1MR 228.2}
Digma -
A growing library of short videos that explore the most vital questions that bang around in our heads.
Ellen White Audio -
Audiobooks of Ellen G. White and other authors narrated in mp3
Emmanuel Institute of Evangelism -
Our goal is to recapture the missionary spirit of the early Christian church by training church members
Gleaner -
Monthly official publication of the North Pacific Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.