Week of Prayer – with Gem Castor

Only by HIS Spirit

We are excited to have Gem Castor leading us in a Spirit filled Week of Prayer! Please join us as we meet Monday, Dec. 18 to Friday, Dec. 22 at 7pm

In addition to serving as an ambassador and prayer coordinator for ASAP Ministries, Gem is as an itinerant missionary whose passion is to share Christ everywhere, anywhere, in every way possible. He has led united prayer in General Conference session, as well as for Divisions, Unions and Conferences of the Seventh-day Adventist Church during their annual and constituency meetings. He also coordinates the prayer sessions at ASI, GYC and various youth conferences in Asia. Inspired by the life of George Mueller he has participated in multiple mission trips internationally and locally, depending entirely on the Lord’s providence. His vibrant friendliness reflects the all-encompassing love of Christ towards His children